So last weekend I finally got a new axe. It's a Takamine something-or-other (see pic - I have obviously taken off the sticker!) and plays like a bloody dream. Everybody likes getting a new toy, be it an instrument or a car or a computer or whatever tickles your pickle, and when you do it's almost impossible to put them down. I'm no different - and as a result I have been recording shitloads of videos to stick up on my youtube channel.
I've added a couple of new vids to - 'Queen of the Bar' and 'At Sea' - both of which are old songs which I have recently enjoyed playing again. Thanks for all the comments people have left on them (particularly QOTB), means a lot.
[I have had to get rid of the covers page mentioned below in order to focus people all to the one place. I've moved them over to my main page (mentioned above) so if you have a request i'll stick it up there - Ta! DP]
I've also made a SECOND youtube page which I am going to use for covers only. I've started it with a few covers I play at gigs and whatnot but then thought it be more interesting to get requests from you lot! I've had a fair few in which is ace, a couple I knew already and the rest I'm in the process of learning to post asap. Some requests I'm highly unlikely to do - pretty much if it's on Radio 1 (see Bruno Mars [!], One Republic etc) - but just about everything else is fair game so if you've got a request then get it in! The page is at:
You can send requests there or to my other social networking spots..
I've no idea if I am biting off more than I can chew or if I will get no requests at all, but I'm gonna give it a crack so get involved..
Last word - LIMETREE NEXT WEEKEND! Pretty excited about it now - despite the Abominable Joeman constantly shitting on my bonfire when it comes up in conversation. 12:00 on the Green Man Stage if you're about. Yes yes :)
Cheers, DP