Sunday 29 May 2011

And so it begins..

Right then, the start of the blog. This is actually my second attempt at doing a blog (third if you count crappy myspace) so with a bit of luck/effort I'll keep this one going. I suspect I am like most new bloggers in that it's a case of 'what am I going to write about of any interest?', but I also suspect with time it begins to flow and become more of a natural process..

Of course at the center of this blog will be my music. Here I will keep you updated with general goings on in the Dave Pilla camp, up coming gigs, news, reviews, songs and general musings. I will also spend a little time writing about my songs - how they came to be, what they're actually about etc, for anyone who is interested in a little more detail.
Anybody who knows my music knows that adjectives such as 'cheery' or 'happy' don't often get associated with my songs (!) but I will do my best to keep any descriptions as lighthearted as possible. Besides, they're not ALL morose ;-)

Also here you will see various links and widgets and whatnot to the sides - there you will be able to listen to songs, watch videos, buy CD's and access links to download/streaming sites such as bandcamp, soundcloud, myspace and reverbnation.

A big thanks must go to my brother Joe 'kenny/joe egg/fat PiG' Rees for all his help setting this page up for me to run with. For food related fun and frollocks check out his (and his masterchef fiance JoJo's) blog at
